AirWave: Web Radio Stations Directory
Start FM
94.2 FM / Vilnius university radio
Radio station Start FM was found in 2005. Start FM is part of Vilnius university, located in University‘s Faculty of Communication. Start FM was established without any commercial sponsorship. Since its beginning, Start FM never airs advertisement. Start FM plays alternative music from indie authors and bands which publish their music through independent and do-it-yourself labels. Main music genres are these: alternative, indie, garage, stoner rock, post-rock, instrumental, surf, rock‘n‘roll, rockabilly, soul, funk, retro pop, emo, hardcore, metal, punk, ska, reggae, dub, hip-hop, downtempo, trip-hop. Start FM is being run by students and other volunteers. Radio station is open for creative people who like to experiment. Start FM airs shows about music, the academic life, radio plays, subcultures, philosophy, politics, psychology, etc. Radio station has a long tradition for uniting supporters of underground culture, social activists and do-it-yourself minded people.
Saulėtekio av. 49, LT-01228 Vilnius, Lithuania
+370 5 269 6933